Friday, 24 June 2011

The Kennedy Assassinations

The following two poems are attributed to describing the deaths of both Robert Kennedy and John F. Kennedy.
The ancient work will be accomplished,
And from the roof evil ruin will fall on the great man:
They will accuse an innocent, being dead, of the deed:
The guilty one is hidden in the misty copse.
( Poem 37)
This poem pleases all of the conspiracy theorists who believe that Oswald was not the murderer of the U.S. President.
The “ancient work” part of the poem has been interpreted many ways. Some perceive it the ancient work as being a curse on Joseph Kennedy for assisting the Nazis during World War II despite having knowledge of the Jewish exterminations. Others interpret it as simply “ betrayal ” in the manner of Brutus slaying Ceaser. Yet others interpret it of being the work of a secret society or the Freemasons (an organization descended from the Knights of Templar.)
The “from the roof” phrase implies that the killing shot came from somewhere other than Oswald.  Oswald is “ the innocent, being dead, of the deed” who was a “dead man” set up by the FBI as the pansy for the assassination.  The misty copse refers to the infamous grassy knoll where some witnesses say they saw a sniper shoot on the President's cavalcade.

Lee Harvey Oswald
The great man will be struck down in the day by a thunderbolt,
The evil deed predicted by the bearer of a petition:
According to the prediction another falls at night,
Conflict in Reims, London, and pestilence in Tuscany.
(Poem 27)
This poem refers to the timing of the assassination. As per his prediction - JFK was shot in the day, at 12 noon, and his brother Robert Kennedy was shot at night, at 1 am. That year there were student riots in London and Paris (conflicts in Reims and London. There was also a big flood in Florence in 1968 that prompted fears of pestilence.

President John F. Kennedy

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